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Thursday, 26 March 2015

Handling Nulls

I've done a page on how to handle nulls, in particular how to handle them when concatenating strings: 

Fetching top 3 sales people

If you've ever been asked to return the top 3 sales people in a technical test and thought it will be a walk in the park till you actually attempted it.  Sounds simple enough, sum the sales, group by sales person and it is at this point that I came unstuck the first time I tackled it many moons ago.  Well I've posted a page that explains how to do this and has some sample code for you. I use the AdventureWorks2012 database so it should be easy enough for you to reuse my code on your own system.  The page is here:

click here to open page with explanation and sample code

Monday, 16 March 2015

Replication Types

I've added a page which gives a basic and brief description of the 4 different types of replication available in SQL Server 2012:

Click here for replication types page

Using BCP to Import and Export Data

I've done a page showing some simple syntax for using the BCP command line utility to import and export data to and from a database:

Thursday, 12 March 2015

sqlservr Command Line Syntax

I struggled to find a list of the arguments for the sqlservr command line so went a hunting till I found something useful.  I figured if I didn't I'd probably get a question on it in the exam and I only know the -f argument. Anyway I've now published a page with all the sqlservr arguments.

Transparent Data Encryption

I've posted a page with a little checklist for implementing transparent data encryption

70-462 Resources

I'm adding pages on stuff to remember for the 70-462 exam plus articles on things I found difficult to find resources on. I will be doing a page for each article.